Dragi Vizitatori
Am vorbit cu cineva de la compania F.O.D. si se pare ca vor sa lanseze un nou joc...
Dar nu pare sa fie metin2 ci ceva mai clasic mai multe detalii în curând.
News :
Azi am primit un mesaj de la Marian C. cu un video si ce credeti? Lam postat imediat
Ce e cert e ca noul joc de la F.O.D. va fi sponsorizat de Rockstar Games.
Priviti si dv un video cu jocul sper sa apara cat mai rapid :) :
Sursa : Fight Or Dead Site
joi, 25 august 2011
I am Sorry.
Hi Guy's
Today im marian c. i nevar post a english server of metin2!
Salut Baieti.
Astazi eu Marian C. nu voi mai posta niciodata servere americane sau alceva in afara de romana pe acest blog scuze.
Today im marian c. i nevar post a english server of metin2!
Salut Baieti.
Astazi eu Marian C. nu voi mai posta niciodata servere americane sau alceva in afara de romana pe acest blog scuze.
miercuri, 24 august 2011
Metin2 US - Limited Time Dark Horse Trade-in Begins
News Of Metin2 US
As part of Metin2 US' recent addition of a few new NPCs, items and quests, players can now trade in their figs for a Dark Horse Summon Ticket.
The Sir Arthur NPC has been handing out figs for free since the 1st of August, with players able to collect one per day. Depending on how many figs they have collected, they can receive a summon ticket that lasts up to 3 hours. The horse doesn't appear to offer any bonus except increased movement speed, similar to the White Lion.
Players have until the 31st to trade-in, after which the Sir Arthur NPC will leave the game world.
Source : Liquiron.com
As part of Metin2 US' recent addition of a few new NPCs, items and quests, players can now trade in their figs for a Dark Horse Summon Ticket.
The Sir Arthur NPC has been handing out figs for free since the 1st of August, with players able to collect one per day. Depending on how many figs they have collected, they can receive a summon ticket that lasts up to 3 hours. The horse doesn't appear to offer any bonus except increased movement speed, similar to the White Lion.
Players have until the 31st to trade-in, after which the Sir Arthur NPC will leave the game world.
Source : Liquiron.com
marți, 23 august 2011
Noutati de la Metin2 RO
Dragi Jucători ai metin-ului romanesc iată câteva detalii pentru mâine :
Mentenanța de mâine (24 August) va implementa versiunea 8.35.
Noua versiune 8.35 aduce următoarele schimbări:
1) Problema cu pietrele metin din misiunile luate din cărțile de misiuni a fost rezolvata
2) Problema cu paginile (misiunea de level 75) a fost fixata
3) Problema cu Timpul a expirat în Turnul Demonilor a fost fixata.
De asemenea se vor introduce câteva misiuni noi.
Sursa : Board RO
Mentenanța de mâine (24 August) va implementa versiunea 8.35.
Noua versiune 8.35 aduce următoarele schimbări:
1) Problema cu pietrele metin din misiunile luate din cărțile de misiuni a fost rezolvata
2) Problema cu paginile (misiunea de level 75) a fost fixata
3) Problema cu Timpul a expirat în Turnul Demonilor a fost fixata.
De asemenea se vor introduce câteva misiuni noi.
Sursa : Board RO
O Noua Pagina
Dragi Vizitatori
Metin2 RO are mai nou o imagine pentru reclamele publicitare de pe diverse site-uri iata noua pagina :
Metin2 RO are mai nou o imagine pentru reclamele publicitare de pe diverse site-uri iata noua pagina :
luni, 22 august 2011
metin2 RO-GL Back Online?
Dragi Vizitatori
Mi am făcut timp și am fost în galați orașul natal a unui SGA pe nume Andrei N. Din care sa pare ci-ca vor sa re-pornească server-ul eu personal sper ca sa ii dea drumul cat mai rapid. Sa vedem un comentariu scut al lui :
"-Nu sunt sigur ca ar trebuii sa repornim server-ul dar se pare ca avem multe cereri pentru re-deschiderea lui Mt2 RO-GL mulțumim tuturor playeri-lor care lau jucat și de asemenea bunul meu prieten Marian C. are aceiași părere dar avem nevoie de parteneri pentru acest mic proiect și am fii foarte recunoscători pentru asta. Ma puteți contacta la adresa : help@cmarian.tk ." De asemenea Marian C. sta în același orasi cu Andrei N.
dar din păcate se pare ca e intr-o mica vacanta de relaxare.
Postat de : [CM]Shadow.
Mi am făcut timp și am fost în galați orașul natal a unui SGA pe nume Andrei N. Din care sa pare ci-ca vor sa re-pornească server-ul eu personal sper ca sa ii dea drumul cat mai rapid. Sa vedem un comentariu scut al lui :
"-Nu sunt sigur ca ar trebuii sa repornim server-ul dar se pare ca avem multe cereri pentru re-deschiderea lui Mt2 RO-GL mulțumim tuturor playeri-lor care lau jucat și de asemenea bunul meu prieten Marian C. are aceiași părere dar avem nevoie de parteneri pentru acest mic proiect și am fii foarte recunoscători pentru asta. Ma puteți contacta la adresa : help@cmarian.tk ." De asemenea Marian C. sta în același orasi cu Andrei N.
dar din păcate se pare ca e intr-o mica vacanta de relaxare.
Postat de : [CM]Shadow.
Metin2 SG Video Trailer Competition
News Of Metin2 SG
With other publishers having their own bespoke trailers, Metin2 SG is looking to join them. But in doing so, they're turning to their own player base and giving them a chance to help out, with some large prizes along the way.
Common sense rules apply, such as not using copyrighted material or not using footage from another server. Entrants will be ranked by the current SG staff, and winners receive the following prizes:
Players have until September 20th to finish their entries. Good luck!
Via SG Board
With other publishers having their own bespoke trailers, Metin2 SG is looking to join them. But in doing so, they're turning to their own player base and giving them a chance to help out, with some large prizes along the way.
Common sense rules apply, such as not using copyrighted material or not using footage from another server. Entrants will be ranked by the current SG staff, and winners receive the following prizes:
1st place: Their trailer will be used, along with 250,000 TP (Equivalent to $175 / £106)
2nd Place: 100,000 TP
3rd Place: 50,000 TP
2nd Place: 100,000 TP
3rd Place: 50,000 TP
Players have until September 20th to finish their entries. Good luck!
Via SG Board
Metin2 SG Olympic Games Return For Round 2
News Of Metin2 SG
Back in april, Metin2 SG ran an extravagant olympic games event. The event was made up of multiple different smaller sporting themed contests, with nations competing to earn points and claim the final victory. Now comes the second iteration.
The new games are due to run throughout this week, starting on Monday August 22nd. The events themselves appear to be the same, though this time around the games will be easier to follow for spectators or those watching videos, since entrants will be wearing the nation-colored kung fu robes this time around. As for the prizes, the winning nation receives a 50% EXP bonus weekend and 5 assisted DT runs, while 2nd and 3rd place receive 25% and 10% EXP weekends for their sportsmanship.
For full details either look at the info for the past event or hit up the source link. Good luck!
Source: SG Board
Back in april, Metin2 SG ran an extravagant olympic games event. The event was made up of multiple different smaller sporting themed contests, with nations competing to earn points and claim the final victory. Now comes the second iteration.
The new games are due to run throughout this week, starting on Monday August 22nd. The events themselves appear to be the same, though this time around the games will be easier to follow for spectators or those watching videos, since entrants will be wearing the nation-colored kung fu robes this time around. As for the prizes, the winning nation receives a 50% EXP bonus weekend and 5 assisted DT runs, while 2nd and 3rd place receive 25% and 10% EXP weekends for their sportsmanship.
For full details either look at the info for the past event or hit up the source link. Good luck!
Source: SG Board
duminică, 21 august 2011
Mail MMOGAME Fals.
Dragi Vizitatori
Un prieten ca de curand a primit un email de la MMOGAME iata ce ne sugereaza [ga]miaunet de pe forumul metin2 ro :
"Mi s-a comunicat ca mai multi jucatori au ramas fara conturi recent dupa ce au activat conturi de MMOGAME pe care nu le-au cerut.
Nu mai faceti click pe toate linkurile care le primiti in mail. Daca nu ati cerut un cont de MMOGAME, stergeti emailul si ignorati-l.
Asa arata emailul de la MMOGAME:
Nu faceti click pe acel "here" decat daca voi ati cerut contul de portal.
Nu mai faceti publica adresa de email pe care aveti contul de joc, nu tineti contul de joc pe contul de yahoo pe care aveti messager.
De asemenea mi s-a adus in vedere si faptul ca multi isi pierd conturile prin Team Viewer.
In momentul in care te loghezi pe calculatorul cuiva prin Team Viewer este ca si cum i-ai da pe tava datele tale.
Nimeni nu iti va incarca monede de dragon prin Team Viewer sau orice alta metoda. Nu mai umblati dupa gratuitati ca doar ramaneti fara conturi! "
Multumim [GA]Miaunet.
Un prieten ca de curand a primit un email de la MMOGAME iata ce ne sugereaza [ga]miaunet de pe forumul metin2 ro :
"Mi s-a comunicat ca mai multi jucatori au ramas fara conturi recent dupa ce au activat conturi de MMOGAME pe care nu le-au cerut.
Nu mai faceti click pe toate linkurile care le primiti in mail. Daca nu ati cerut un cont de MMOGAME, stergeti emailul si ignorati-l.
Asa arata emailul de la MMOGAME:
" Quoted
Confirmarea contului...
MMOGame <portal@mmogame.com>...To:
Confirmarea contului
Mulțumim pentru înregistrarea pe MMOGame!
Contul trebuie confirmat inainte de a te loga in portal. Va rugam sa ignorati acest link, este o metoda de securitate: here
Acceseaza acest link pentru confirmarea inregistrarii: here
Distractie placuta cu MMOGame!
Echipa MMOGame
Aici găsești detaliile contului:
Username = email
Parolă = parolata
Echipa ta MMOGame"
Nu faceti click pe acel "here" decat daca voi ati cerut contul de portal.
Nu mai faceti publica adresa de email pe care aveti contul de joc, nu tineti contul de joc pe contul de yahoo pe care aveti messager.
De asemenea mi s-a adus in vedere si faptul ca multi isi pierd conturile prin Team Viewer.
In momentul in care te loghezi pe calculatorul cuiva prin Team Viewer este ca si cum i-ai da pe tava datele tale.
Nimeni nu iti va incarca monede de dragon prin Team Viewer sau orice alta metoda. Nu mai umblati dupa gratuitati ca doar ramaneti fara conturi! "
Multumim [GA]Miaunet.
Day And Night Comes To Metin2 SG
News Of Metin2 SG
Built into Metin2 is the ability to change a few simple weather effects, which are most commonly seen at weddings or around Christmas. Following a rather close poll, the team have decided to enable the night mode as a regular occurrence, tied into real world time.
Based upon GMT / UTC, the game world will go dark from midnight to 6AM. For players who don't live in this timezone and may be annoyed by it, or those who don't like the increased difficulty in seeing things, it's possible to somewhat block the night effect by disabling game shadows:
Via SG Board
Built into Metin2 is the ability to change a few simple weather effects, which are most commonly seen at weddings or around Christmas. Following a rather close poll, the team have decided to enable the night mode as a regular occurrence, tied into real world time.
Based upon GMT / UTC, the game world will go dark from midnight to 6AM. For players who don't live in this timezone and may be annoyed by it, or those who don't like the increased difficulty in seeing things, it's possible to somewhat block the night effect by disabling game shadows:
Via SG Board
vineri, 19 august 2011
News Of Metin2 RO
Dear community,
we know that you're all waiting for information about the devil's catacombs ever since the first videos and infos showed up.
The Product Team of Metin2 sent us some informational text which we hereby forward to you:
Source : RO Board
Dear community,
we know that you're all waiting for information about the devil's catacombs ever since the first videos and infos showed up.
The Product Team of Metin2 sent us some informational text which we hereby forward to you:
We know you are eagerly waiting for more information about the Devil's Catacombs. Right now most key features of the new content are still in an early development phase, so we cannot provide a release date yet. Please note that as we continue to update you about the development process during the upcoming weeks, some of the information might be subject to change in later stages of development.
Now one of the biggest question right now is whether the Devil's Catacombs is exlusively available as paid content. While some floors will be free to play, higher levels of the Catacombs will be accessible through our paid services.
The Devil's Catacombs will feature at least 7 floors filled with new challenges and threats. Monsters never seen before will prevail the depths of the Catacombs, so if you dare to follow the path that leads through the Gates, your changes of seeing daylight again will wane. Fight your way down and be the first to conquer all new bossmonsters carrying exciting new loot.
Will you dare to descent?
Source : RO Board
A New Metin2 SG Item Mall, Increased Inventory
News Of Metin2 SG
As the first part of Metin2 SG's recent Update Plan, the item mall renovation is now complete and ready for players to use.
Aside from the new look, SG players should now be able to access the item mall directly from inside the game via the main menu. A few new items have also found their way into the mall, some of which were due for quite some time:
The permanent hairstyles function the same way that Gameforge players will be used to. While costing a little extra and giving no bonus, they won't expire.
Via SG Board
As the first part of Metin2 SG's recent Update Plan, the item mall renovation is now complete and ready for players to use.
Aside from the new look, SG players should now be able to access the item mall directly from inside the game via the main menu. A few new items have also found their way into the mall, some of which were due for quite some time:
Language Ring
Wind Boots
Boar, Wolf, Lion & Tiger Mount tokens
Name Change Scroll
Medal Of Dragon God
Permanent Hairstyles
Wind Boots
Boar, Wolf, Lion & Tiger Mount tokens
Name Change Scroll
Medal Of Dragon God
Permanent Hairstyles
The permanent hairstyles function the same way that Gameforge players will be used to. While costing a little extra and giving no bonus, they won't expire.
Via SG Board
miercuri, 17 august 2011
More Devil's Catacomb Details Emerge, Possible Itemshop Restrictions
News Of YMIR Games
Firstly, more artwork and images / screenshots related to the new devil's catacomb expansion due soon for official Metin2 servers.
Not only that, but 2 proper trailers have since shown up, one a full minute long and the second half a minute:
Lastly comes an announcement from Gameforge, which while revealing that the Catacomb will have multiple "floors", likely in a similar fashion to Demon Tower, states that some floors will be accessible via paid services only.
The full text is as follows:
Evidently, the catacomb may end up somewhat like the Spider Dungeon, where the second floor is accessible only by either handing in Passes to an NPC, or purchasing item mall bonus packages. There is no word yet on what other publishers plan to do regarding restricted areas of the catacomb.
Sources: Gameforge / YMIR
Firstly, more artwork and images / screenshots related to the new devil's catacomb expansion due soon for official Metin2 servers.
Not only that, but 2 proper trailers have since shown up, one a full minute long and the second half a minute:
Lastly comes an announcement from Gameforge, which while revealing that the Catacomb will have multiple "floors", likely in a similar fashion to Demon Tower, states that some floors will be accessible via paid services only.
The full text is as follows:
We know you are eagerly waiting for more information about the Devil's Catacombs. Right now most key features of the new content are still in an early development phase, so we cannot provide a release date yet. Please note that as we continue to update you about the development process during the upcoming weeks, some of the information might be subject to change in later stages of development.
Now one of the biggest question right now is whether the Devil's Catacombs is exlusively available as paid content. While some floors will be free to play, higher levels of the Catacombs will be accessible through our paid services.
The Devil's Catacombs will feature at least 7 floors filled with new challenges and threats. Monsters never seen before will prevail the depths of the Catacombs, so if you dare to follow the path that leads through the Gates, your chances of seeing daylight again will wane. Fight your way down and be the first to conquer all new bossmonsters carrying exciting new loot.
Will you dare to descent?
Evidently, the catacomb may end up somewhat like the Spider Dungeon, where the second floor is accessible only by either handing in Passes to an NPC, or purchasing item mall bonus packages. There is no word yet on what other publishers plan to do regarding restricted areas of the catacomb.
Sources: Gameforge / YMIR
luni, 15 august 2011
Metin2 SG Updates With Level 80 Helmets, Kung Fu Robes, New [MOD]s
News Of Metin2 SG
Another week, another round of new developments for Metin2 SG. This time a number of updates make their way to the server, including the level 80 helms that Gameforge players have been enjoying, as well as a trio of event based robes.
The Kung Fu Robes offer no stats except for +10 movement speed. There is no Defense stat and no level limit. The three colors available reflect the colors of Asmodia, Elgoria and Pandemonia, so you can guess their usage when used with future events.
Next up are new helmets for players above level 80, and these helms all offer increased HP as a built in bonus. The helmets can be dropped in Flame Field or Heaven's Lair. They are:
To upgrade the helmets, the same upgrade materials as level 41 and 60 helmets are required. As for the stats available at each upgrade level:
For other tweaks, the Healer Mage's Cure skill has now had its healing power boosted, up to 30% for high powered mages. Heaven's Lair has also seen tweaked spawn settings for various rooms to try to offer more good places to level. Both of these changes come following suggestions / requests from players.
Finally, new [MOD]s are also now joining the existing team, the newbies being NightStalk3r, DutchGuy and BlashpheMy.
Via SG Board
Another week, another round of new developments for Metin2 SG. This time a number of updates make their way to the server, including the level 80 helms that Gameforge players have been enjoying, as well as a trio of event based robes.
The Kung Fu Robes offer no stats except for +10 movement speed. There is no Defense stat and no level limit. The three colors available reflect the colors of Asmodia, Elgoria and Pandemonia, so you can guess their usage when used with future events.
Next up are new helmets for players above level 80, and these helms all offer increased HP as a built in bonus. The helmets can be dropped in Flame Field or Heaven's Lair. They are:
War Master Helmet (Warrior)
Spider Hood (Assassin)
Magic Helmet (Sura)
Soul Shard Hat (Mage)
Spider Hood (Assassin)
Magic Helmet (Sura)
Soul Shard Hat (Mage)
To upgrade the helmets, the same upgrade materials as level 41 and 60 helmets are required. As for the stats available at each upgrade level:
+ | Defence | Max HP+ |
0 | 22 | 50 |
1 | 25 | 100 |
2 | 29 | 150 |
3 | 39 | 300 |
4 | 49 | 450 |
5 | 59 | 600 |
6 | 69 | 800 |
7 | 79 | 1000 |
8 | 89 | 1200 |
9 | 99 | 1500 |
For other tweaks, the Healer Mage's Cure skill has now had its healing power boosted, up to 30% for high powered mages. Heaven's Lair has also seen tweaked spawn settings for various rooms to try to offer more good places to level. Both of these changes come following suggestions / requests from players.
Finally, new [MOD]s are also now joining the existing team, the newbies being NightStalk3r, DutchGuy and BlashpheMy.
Via SG Board
Metin2 US September 2011 Monarch Applications Open
News Of Metin2 US
The time comes around once again for the current kings to hand in their crowns and hang up their armors to make way for the next wave of unsuspecting masochists.
As always, interested parties can pursue the following threads, and have until August 26th to apply:
Free Kingdom: Applications / Discussion
New World: Applications / Discussion
The time comes around once again for the current kings to hand in their crowns and hang up their armors to make way for the next wave of unsuspecting masochists.
As always, interested parties can pursue the following threads, and have until August 26th to apply:
Free Kingdom: Applications / Discussion
New World: Applications / Discussion
vineri, 12 august 2011
Week-long Kingdom Betrayal Event For Metin2 SG
News Of Metin2 SG
Going from global player statistics of users here at Liquiron, Blue nation is by far the most popular nation choice worldwide. This holds true especially for Metin2 SG, where for a while now, a number of issues have arose due to low player counts, especially in the yellow Asmodia nation.
As a remedy to this issue, the betrayal event will be enabled for a week, where Elgoria nation players may ask the Heuk-Young NPC to switch their nation to either Asmodia or Pandemonia for a mere 20,000 Gold.
The usual restrictions apply to be able to move, with none of the characters on the account being married or in / owning a guild. No expensive item mall only Betrayal scrolls required here!
Source: SG Forum
Going from global player statistics of users here at Liquiron, Blue nation is by far the most popular nation choice worldwide. This holds true especially for Metin2 SG, where for a while now, a number of issues have arose due to low player counts, especially in the yellow Asmodia nation.
As a remedy to this issue, the betrayal event will be enabled for a week, where Elgoria nation players may ask the Heuk-Young NPC to switch their nation to either Asmodia or Pandemonia for a mere 20,000 Gold.
The usual restrictions apply to be able to move, with none of the characters on the account being married or in / owning a guild. No expensive item mall only Betrayal scrolls required here!
Source: SG Forum
duminică, 7 august 2011
Metin2 SG Reveals Update Plan - Epic Armors/Boots, Aqua Dragon, Devil's Catacomb
News Of Metin2 SG
In a stark contrast to Metin2 US and its staff, Metin2 SG is very forthcoming about updates, what they've changed, and when they're due. This has been taken up a notch today where a plan for the whole third quarter of 2011 is now up for everyone to see.
The first thing players should notice are changes to the Metin2 SG Item Mall. As seen above, the button to directly access the item mall storage should find its way into the game early this August. On top of that, a method to access the mall from inside the game (via a built in internet explorer window) should become available around the same time. Some new items will be added, A Name Change Scroll, Wind Boots, Language Ring, Medal of Dragon God, and also Permanent Hairstyles. The Permanent Hairstyles may work in the same way that Gameforge's permanent hairstyles work, offering no bonus in return for having no expiration.
Mentioned next is the Red Dragon's Lair. Due later in August or in early September, this is a new map which will be host to a new kingdom event. No more details for now, though a teaser video is promised. Included with the new Red Dragon related map is the infamous Red Dragon's Blessing, an automatic potion. All three normal sizes will be available in-game via certain quests or monsters, and a special fourth version will be exclusive to the item mall, but adding HP Regeneration in return.
Following that is more dragon news, with the Aqua dragon set to arrive on Metin2 SG. This of course means that the final "dragon room" of Heaven's Lair is arriving on Metin2 SG. Due near the end of September, this will allow SG's players to finally craft Epic Armors. Epic boots are also set to make an appearance, along with the other items and NPCs tied into the Aqua Dragon system. Also part of this update will be Blue Dragon's Blessing potions, MP-restoring counterparts of the Red Dragon's Blessing potions.
Up last are a football fiesta update and the recently announced Devil's Catacomb Expansion Pack. As part of the football update, kimono outfits should be added, which are wearable by all classes, along with the refitted football model as a mob, that players can kick around.
Source: SG Board
In a stark contrast to Metin2 US and its staff, Metin2 SG is very forthcoming about updates, what they've changed, and when they're due. This has been taken up a notch today where a plan for the whole third quarter of 2011 is now up for everyone to see.
The first thing players should notice are changes to the Metin2 SG Item Mall. As seen above, the button to directly access the item mall storage should find its way into the game early this August. On top of that, a method to access the mall from inside the game (via a built in internet explorer window) should become available around the same time. Some new items will be added, A Name Change Scroll, Wind Boots, Language Ring, Medal of Dragon God, and also Permanent Hairstyles. The Permanent Hairstyles may work in the same way that Gameforge's permanent hairstyles work, offering no bonus in return for having no expiration.
Mentioned next is the Red Dragon's Lair. Due later in August or in early September, this is a new map which will be host to a new kingdom event. No more details for now, though a teaser video is promised. Included with the new Red Dragon related map is the infamous Red Dragon's Blessing, an automatic potion. All three normal sizes will be available in-game via certain quests or monsters, and a special fourth version will be exclusive to the item mall, but adding HP Regeneration in return.
Following that is more dragon news, with the Aqua dragon set to arrive on Metin2 SG. This of course means that the final "dragon room" of Heaven's Lair is arriving on Metin2 SG. Due near the end of September, this will allow SG's players to finally craft Epic Armors. Epic boots are also set to make an appearance, along with the other items and NPCs tied into the Aqua Dragon system. Also part of this update will be Blue Dragon's Blessing potions, MP-restoring counterparts of the Red Dragon's Blessing potions.
Up last are a football fiesta update and the recently announced Devil's Catacomb Expansion Pack. As part of the football update, kimono outfits should be added, which are wearable by all classes, along with the refitted football model as a mob, that players can kick around.
Source: SG Board
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