sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2011

Metin2 UK - Metin2 King Arthur Award Stripped From BloodyMind, Passed To ESTDRAG

Dear Vizitator's

Metin2 UKMetin2 UK's 4th Metin2 Awards ended recently, and the winner of the "King Arthur" award for being the best male Body (Partisan) Warrior was BloodyMind. However, following recent events, BloodyMind has now been stripped of this award and it has been passed down to the runner up, ESTDRAG.

BloodyMind, known as "hehe||hehe" on the Metin2 UK board, could have been considered the ringleader for the recent accusations which led to a senior staff investigation on Metin2 UK. Whether due to this or due to various board rules the player has broken (flaming and so on), BloodyMind has since been removed from the community.

The UK Team view the Awards as a prestigious event, of which its winning title holders should be exemplary, and thus have stripped BloodyMind of his King Arthur Title, and now assigned it to the next runner up, ESTDRAG.

Via UK Board

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