Welcome to the land of Dragon God adventurer!
Metin2 is a free-to-play massive online world packed with intense action and brutal fighting. Choose from 3 kingdoms ( Jinno, Shinshoo and Chunjo) and 8 different character, each with their own unique skills, and evolve your character to your liking with the many choices available: Languages, Mining, Polymorph, Leadership Fishing and many more are available and have an effect on how you fight monsters or other characters.
Metin2 is unique among other MMORPG games for the massive PvP and PvM battles and powerful action feeling. Choosing from dozens of weapons, classified into swords, spears, bells, fans, bows and daggers which can be upgraded at different Blacksmiths with varying success rates, customized with additional bonuses and spirit stones ranging in power from +0 to +5, you can fully personalize your equipment and accesories. Your mount can also evolve into an Armed or War horse with even more skills available. Guild battles and daily events by our team of professional GMs will ensure you never get bored!
Buna Ziua Aventurierule!
Dragonul Lumini fie cu tine! Metin2 Este o lume fascinanta plina de Caracteristici si animale nemai vazute pe
aceste meleaguri. Din pacate aceasta lume nu mai exista din cauza războaielor. ținutul de basm sub numele de metin2 a fost distrus de către pietrele metin din cauza care a pornit și războiul poveste spune ca existau 3 regate : Jinno , Shinshoo , Chunjo.
Sa incepem cu : Imperiul Chunjo :
Se afla in partea de Vest a continentului. Este un imperiu teocratic si este condus de liderii spirituali.
Intemeiat de Yoon-Young, unul din verii fostului imparat. Vastele puteri magice ale sotiei sale l-au ajutat sa descopere la timp pericolul Pietrelor Metin. In nenumarate randuri a recomandat initierea masurilor de siguranta impotriva Pietrelor Metin dar nu a fost luat in seama. Astfel, el si-a condus armata intr-o rebeliune impotriva vechiului imperiu. Dupa dezintegrarea vechiului imperiu, Chunjo inca este implicat intr-o batalie deschisa cu Imperiile din Est si Sud.
Scopul lor este sa aiba controlul intregului continent si sa invinga cresterea puterii a Pietrelor Metin.
Sa vedem și ce plănuiau soldați regatului jinno :
Imperiul Jinno este situat in partea de Est a continentului. Acest imperiu a fost intemeiat pe baza unei puteri militare iar populatia este agresiva si combatanta.
Liderul Imperiului Jinno este Ee-Ryoong, fiul fostului imparat. El crede ca poate reuni vechile imperii folosindu-se de armata sa.
Temerile despre implicarile sau efectele adverse ale Pietrelor Metin au fost ignorate oficial dar Ee-Ryoong incearca in secret sa gaseasca o cale pentru a folosi puterea mortala a Pietrelor Metin in scopuri militare.
Si nu cel ultimul dar și cel din rând regatul Shinshoo :
Imperiul Shinshoo se afla in partea de Sud a continentului. Principala activitate a populatiei este comertul.
Creat de Yoon_Yoing, dupa dezintegrarea vechiului imperiu, comertul in zona estica s-a transformat intr-o afacere profitabila. Conflictele avute de Shinsoo cu Imperiul occidental au pus in pericol calea comertului. Cand au descoperit pericolul provocat de Pietrele Metin, mercenarii s-au inarmat. Scopul lor este sa se apere de atacurile occidentale, sa redeschida calea comertului si sa reuneasca vechile imperii intr-un singur Imperiu, al lor.
Dar asta nu e tot puterea dorita si pietrele metin au creat sute de creaturi nemai intalnite si normal ca si aceste creaturi cauta si distrug pe orcine gaseste o piatra metin.
Fiecare piatra metin are in ia cativa gardieni care o apara dar uneori apar si generali la atac si trebuie sa ne aparam cu tot ce avem.
Acum sa va spun despre soldati a calor puteri erau nemarginit :
Sura : Un luptator cu o mana de demon și puterea lui se trage din magia neagra.
Războinicul : Războinicul este o rasa de soldați gata de război se spune ca acest soldați au găsit o cale de ași elibera mana din corp în arme și scuturi ei sunt foarte buni în lupte.
Ninja : Ninja sunt niște soldați care se folosesc de sabii și otrava ei sunt foarte specializați în arta uciderii și asasinări se spune ca în vechea dinastie ninja i protejau pe regii dar ei erau foarte rapizi casa nu și atingă scopul..
Samanul : Samanul era NU era un luptător ci mai mult un medic al vieți. Se spunea demult ca șamanul era un foarte bun prieten cu dragonul lumini și acesta ia dăruit o parte din putere șamanului.
Metin2 este o lume în care totul depinde de lupta. Joaca și tu metin2 și descoperă adevărata ta putere!
joi, 28 iulie 2011
marți, 26 iulie 2011
Santa Claus Making A Summer Visit On Metin2 SG
News Of Metin2 SG
You did read that correctly, yes. While most people (and indeed most countries) are in the northern hemisphere and thus associate the middle of the year with hot weather, of course this isn't true for everywhere. One such example is Finland, where Santa allegedly lives.
Tomorrow, Wednesday July 27th, Santa will pay a visit to Metin2 SG's new Mani-San Mountain area, where players from Asmodia, Elgoria and Pandemonia may get a chance to see him. On talking to Santa, players will be presented with options to choose from various rewards such as a random skill book or upgrade item. For full times see the Santa thread.
Via SG Board
You did read that correctly, yes. While most people (and indeed most countries) are in the northern hemisphere and thus associate the middle of the year with hot weather, of course this isn't true for everywhere. One such example is Finland, where Santa allegedly lives.
Tomorrow, Wednesday July 27th, Santa will pay a visit to Metin2 SG's new Mani-San Mountain area, where players from Asmodia, Elgoria and Pandemonia may get a chance to see him. On talking to Santa, players will be presented with options to choose from various rewards such as a random skill book or upgrade item. For full times see the Santa thread.
Via SG Board
luni, 25 iulie 2011
Metin2 25th July 2011 Fixes, Level 75 Quest, 90 Collect Quests
News Of Metin2 SG
Metin2 SG's weekly updates continue with a new batch today, this time mostly centered around bugfixes.
Firstly, the Hunting Quests have been extended up to level 90. These are quests that the player is presented with with each new level, where the player can choose to slay a particular mob a number of times for a small reward and amount of experience. There is also a new quest for over level 75 players named Diary of a Legend, though apart from the name and the fact that you must talk to the Heuk Young NPC to begin it, no other details are given.
As for bug fixes, the rather strange looking animal costumes now possess proper icons. Players may now also send messages to characters with abnormally long names (up to 16), solving the issue of some [MOD]s ironically being impossible to message. Lastly, guilds can still have experience points donated to them after they reach the maximum guild level of 20, to allow players who don't wish to level up to stay in their guild rather than join a new guild to "dump" in.
Via SG Board
Metin2 SG's weekly updates continue with a new batch today, this time mostly centered around bugfixes.
Firstly, the Hunting Quests have been extended up to level 90. These are quests that the player is presented with with each new level, where the player can choose to slay a particular mob a number of times for a small reward and amount of experience. There is also a new quest for over level 75 players named Diary of a Legend, though apart from the name and the fact that you must talk to the Heuk Young NPC to begin it, no other details are given.
As for bug fixes, the rather strange looking animal costumes now possess proper icons. Players may now also send messages to characters with abnormally long names (up to 16), solving the issue of some [MOD]s ironically being impossible to message. Lastly, guilds can still have experience points donated to them after they reach the maximum guild level of 20, to allow players who don't wish to level up to stay in their guild rather than join a new guild to "dump" in.
Via SG Board
duminică, 24 iulie 2011
Metin2 US New World Clown Event Canceled, Apparent Rigging?
News Of Metin2 US
Metin2 US turned 4 years old recently, and as part of the anniversary fesivities there was another iteration of the so-called "Clown Event". As part of this event, each nation elects a player to be their clown, and has to simultaneously defend their own clown while trying to kill the clowns of their enemy nations. The last clown standing determines which nation wins. Metin2 US' first server, Free Kingdom, ran the event without issue, resulting in a win for Milgaard. Things didn't go so smoothly for the second New World server though, with the event being canceled due to what a [GM] referred to as unexpected reasons.
At time of writing the responses have long since passed 100, with the general consensus being that the event has been rigged by one nation. In the application thread for the New World Clown Event there are only 3 applicants, and the unexpected reasons for the cancellation of the event seem to be that all 3 applicants of each nation apparently belong to Listhmos players, or more specifically, players from one Listhmos guild.
Currently there is no official confirmation, nor any revelation of what any possible punishment could be. That the players conspiring to do this got so close to pulling off their plan, regardless of how dishonest, is pretty impressive.
Via US Forum: Application Thread / Cancellation Thread
Metin2 US turned 4 years old recently, and as part of the anniversary fesivities there was another iteration of the so-called "Clown Event". As part of this event, each nation elects a player to be their clown, and has to simultaneously defend their own clown while trying to kill the clowns of their enemy nations. The last clown standing determines which nation wins. Metin2 US' first server, Free Kingdom, ran the event without issue, resulting in a win for Milgaard. Things didn't go so smoothly for the second New World server though, with the event being canceled due to what a [GM] referred to as unexpected reasons.
At time of writing the responses have long since passed 100, with the general consensus being that the event has been rigged by one nation. In the application thread for the New World Clown Event there are only 3 applicants, and the unexpected reasons for the cancellation of the event seem to be that all 3 applicants of each nation apparently belong to Listhmos players, or more specifically, players from one Listhmos guild.
Currently there is no official confirmation, nor any revelation of what any possible punishment could be. That the players conspiring to do this got so close to pulling off their plan, regardless of how dishonest, is pretty impressive.
Via US Forum: Application Thread / Cancellation Thread
vineri, 22 iulie 2011
Metin2 SG Planning An Auction System, May Buy Back Accounts
Dear Vizitator's
A few days ago, Metin2 SG's [GA]Christopher revealed that the team plans to develop an Auction house for the server. The current plan is to allow bidding with Gold, TEC Points (the server's version of item mall points), or real cash via PayPal. Aside from giving players the opportunity of selling items and equipment, the team are also looking at the possibility of allowing players to put their own accounts up for auction too.
Metin2 SG is unique amongst Metin2 servers, in that a user will not be punished or banned for selling (or attempting to sell) their account. Rather, it is almost encouraged. If a user quits and cannot sell their account (and does not give it away), the account goes dormant and the server loses a player. If a user quits and sells their account, the account will have a new player and the server's population does not decrease.
Perhaps the most interesting part though, is the possibility of TEC-Interactive itself buying player's accounts. At first thought this might not make much sense, though Christopher explains it in a later post:
Since we must remember that the publisher essentially does not have to "pay" for its own mall points besides royalties to the developer, other things fall into place. This presents a rather ingenious way for TEC to make multiple gains on a new player, while still being able to entice said new players with discounted accounts.
Currently the staff are polling their player base, with the most popular answer being that most would sell their account upon leaving Metin2 SG.
News or a release of the Auction House system should be expected within the next few weeks.
Source: SG Board
A few days ago, Metin2 SG's [GA]Christopher revealed that the team plans to develop an Auction house for the server. The current plan is to allow bidding with Gold, TEC Points (the server's version of item mall points), or real cash via PayPal. Aside from giving players the opportunity of selling items and equipment, the team are also looking at the possibility of allowing players to put their own accounts up for auction too.
Metin2 SG is unique amongst Metin2 servers, in that a user will not be punished or banned for selling (or attempting to sell) their account. Rather, it is almost encouraged. If a user quits and cannot sell their account (and does not give it away), the account goes dormant and the server loses a player. If a user quits and sells their account, the account will have a new player and the server's population does not decrease.
Perhaps the most interesting part though, is the possibility of TEC-Interactive itself buying player's accounts. At first thought this might not make much sense, though Christopher explains it in a later post:
It does make sense for TEC to buy your account and continue to put it up in the Auction House for potential sales. Remember, if TEC buy your account let say for 100,000 TP (which is equivalent to SGD84.00), TEC's investment is only 25% of SGD84.00 which is royalty payable to our developer. When a new player saw that account in the Auction House and wish to purchase it for SGD84.00, TEC would gain a profit of the remaining 75% and thereby gained a new player.
Since we must remember that the publisher essentially does not have to "pay" for its own mall points besides royalties to the developer, other things fall into place. This presents a rather ingenious way for TEC to make multiple gains on a new player, while still being able to entice said new players with discounted accounts.
Currently the staff are polling their player base, with the most popular answer being that most would sell their account upon leaving Metin2 SG.
News or a release of the Auction House system should be expected within the next few weeks.
Source: SG Board
luni, 18 iulie 2011
New Look
Dragi Vizitatori
Metin2 Blog are un nou look sper sa va placa noul nostru site distracție plăcuta!
Metin2 Blog are un nou look sper sa va placa noul nostru site distracție plăcuta!
Metin2 SG Adds Updated Heaven's Lair Graphics, Minor Tweaks
Dear Vizitator's
It's become standard for Metin2 SG to have weekly changes as of late, and this week is no different. Today the server's Heaven's Lair map (known as Watery Cavern or The Grotto Of Exile to players of other servers) received a facelift, getting the colored textures previously only seen on Gameforge servers.
Perhaps this paves way for the Level 97 Dragon, and consequently the Epic Armors that are made possible by its drops? Time will tell. This now leaves only Metin2 US with the monochrome black / grey Watery Cavern map.
As for other changes, SG Players can now begin PVP activity starting at just level 15. The Demon Blade's attack power was also a little off, and has now been corrected. Today the server also comes a little closer to having a completely tradable item set, with players now able to trade 3 hour Thief Gloves and Lucky Gold Coins amongst each other freely.
Via SG Board
It's become standard for Metin2 SG to have weekly changes as of late, and this week is no different. Today the server's Heaven's Lair map (known as Watery Cavern or The Grotto Of Exile to players of other servers) received a facelift, getting the colored textures previously only seen on Gameforge servers.
Perhaps this paves way for the Level 97 Dragon, and consequently the Epic Armors that are made possible by its drops? Time will tell. This now leaves only Metin2 US with the monochrome black / grey Watery Cavern map.
As for other changes, SG Players can now begin PVP activity starting at just level 15. The Demon Blade's attack power was also a little off, and has now been corrected. Today the server also comes a little closer to having a completely tradable item set, with players now able to trade 3 hour Thief Gloves and Lucky Gold Coins amongst each other freely.
Via SG Board
Metin2 SG Gets Server Upgrades, Squashes Chat Bug, Loses Duplicate Maps
Dear Vizitator's
Today Metin2 SG's server setup went through some renovations, and the effects should be noticeable to players in the form of a few in-game changes.
Firstly, the infamous "Chat Bug" is now reportedly obliterated on Metin2 SG. This bug rears its head on any Metin2 server once it has enough channels and/or there are enough instances. A player may notice that a friend is online when checking their friends list but be unable to message them, or in-game messaging might only work one-way. It also has the frustrating effect of making married couples unable to teleport to each other via their wedding rings.
Secondly, various duplicate maps have now been removed from the server. Metin2 SG used to have extra versions of some popular maps such as the orc valley, dark forest and flame/lava maps, accessible via another portal. After today's change, Dragon Valley 2, Ghost Forest 2, Dark Temple 2, Ice Mountain 2 and Flame Field 2 are now removed. Going from the discussion thread for this change, opinions from the community are mixed.
Lastly, a disconnection problem due to high attack speed should now be solved. This mostly affected warriors using the Beserk skill and Assassins using daggers. As the attack speed under these conditions is higher, this results in more frequent request/response round trips with the server. When coupled with latency problems, this can mean the frequency of your hits as registered by the server can periodically peak near speedhack levels. Presumably the leniency has been fine tuned during this update.
Source: SG Board
Today Metin2 SG's server setup went through some renovations, and the effects should be noticeable to players in the form of a few in-game changes.
Firstly, the infamous "Chat Bug" is now reportedly obliterated on Metin2 SG. This bug rears its head on any Metin2 server once it has enough channels and/or there are enough instances. A player may notice that a friend is online when checking their friends list but be unable to message them, or in-game messaging might only work one-way. It also has the frustrating effect of making married couples unable to teleport to each other via their wedding rings.
Secondly, various duplicate maps have now been removed from the server. Metin2 SG used to have extra versions of some popular maps such as the orc valley, dark forest and flame/lava maps, accessible via another portal. After today's change, Dragon Valley 2, Ghost Forest 2, Dark Temple 2, Ice Mountain 2 and Flame Field 2 are now removed. Going from the discussion thread for this change, opinions from the community are mixed.
Lastly, a disconnection problem due to high attack speed should now be solved. This mostly affected warriors using the Beserk skill and Assassins using daggers. As the attack speed under these conditions is higher, this results in more frequent request/response round trips with the server. When coupled with latency problems, this can mean the frequency of your hits as registered by the server can periodically peak near speedhack levels. Presumably the leniency has been fine tuned during this update.
Source: SG Board
sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2011
Metin2 Closed?!
Dragi Vizitatori
Un mesaj de la unul din directori Game Force :
Din cauza copiilor care nu joaca tocmai corect metin2 romania se va inchide acest copii pot fi bannati dar gm-i nu mai fac fata iar Admin-ul e prea ocupat cu furturile de conturi de hackeri.
E totuși o soluție : Trimite-ne un comentariu cu numele tău și ideea ta cum sa scăpam de noobi.
Un mesaj de la unul din directori Game Force :
Din cauza copiilor care nu joaca tocmai corect metin2 romania se va inchide acest copii pot fi bannati dar gm-i nu mai fac fata iar Admin-ul e prea ocupat cu furturile de conturi de hackeri.
E totuși o soluție : Trimite-ne un comentariu cu numele tău și ideea ta cum sa scăpam de noobi.
Metin2 UK - Metin2 King Arthur Award Stripped From BloodyMind, Passed To ESTDRAG
Dear Vizitator's
Metin2 UK's 4th Metin2 Awards ended recently, and the winner of the "King Arthur" award for being the best male Body (Partisan) Warrior was BloodyMind. However, following recent events, BloodyMind has now been stripped of this award and it has been passed down to the runner up, ESTDRAG.
BloodyMind, known as "hehe||hehe" on the Metin2 UK board, could have been considered the ringleader for the recent accusations which led to a senior staff investigation on Metin2 UK. Whether due to this or due to various board rules the player has broken (flaming and so on), BloodyMind has since been removed from the community.
The UK Team view the Awards as a prestigious event, of which its winning title holders should be exemplary, and thus have stripped BloodyMind of his King Arthur Title, and now assigned it to the next runner up, ESTDRAG.
Via UK Board
Metin2 UK's 4th Metin2 Awards ended recently, and the winner of the "King Arthur" award for being the best male Body (Partisan) Warrior was BloodyMind. However, following recent events, BloodyMind has now been stripped of this award and it has been passed down to the runner up, ESTDRAG.
BloodyMind, known as "hehe||hehe" on the Metin2 UK board, could have been considered the ringleader for the recent accusations which led to a senior staff investigation on Metin2 UK. Whether due to this or due to various board rules the player has broken (flaming and so on), BloodyMind has since been removed from the community.
The UK Team view the Awards as a prestigious event, of which its winning title holders should be exemplary, and thus have stripped BloodyMind of his King Arthur Title, and now assigned it to the next runner up, ESTDRAG.
Via UK Board
marți, 12 iulie 2011
Metin2 SG Adds Mani-San Mountain Event Map, 1000+ New OX Questions, Bugfixes
Dear Vizitator's
Metin2 SG's frequent update rampage continues this week, where today a new batch of updates and changes went live on the server.
Firstly is the Mani-San Mountain Event Map, which is now enabled for Metin2 SG players to enjoy. The map can be used for a variety of events, such as a lower level Bestial Specialist farming event which ran today:
To access the map, players can ask their friendly Guardian Archer NPC for a teleport. This is dependent on an event being active, of course.
Secondly, new OX Event questions have now been added, over a thousand in fact. This should end players winning by remembering previous questions, or from checking SG's old OX event question list.
On top of these changes there are more tweaks and bugfixes, such as as corrections to the 1 Hour EXP Ring description (50% instead of 20%), fixes to the Red Wood 2 map, properly stackable Minnows (or rather removal of duplicate minnows), improved Spider Dungeon respawn times and the blocking of selling item mall items to the vendor NPC, a painful mistake for any player who accidentally does it.
Via SG Board
Metin2 SG's frequent update rampage continues this week, where today a new batch of updates and changes went live on the server.
Firstly is the Mani-San Mountain Event Map, which is now enabled for Metin2 SG players to enjoy. The map can be used for a variety of events, such as a lower level Bestial Specialist farming event which ran today:
To access the map, players can ask their friendly Guardian Archer NPC for a teleport. This is dependent on an event being active, of course.
Secondly, new OX Event questions have now been added, over a thousand in fact. This should end players winning by remembering previous questions, or from checking SG's old OX event question list.
On top of these changes there are more tweaks and bugfixes, such as as corrections to the 1 Hour EXP Ring description (50% instead of 20%), fixes to the Red Wood 2 map, properly stackable Minnows (or rather removal of duplicate minnows), improved Spider Dungeon respawn times and the blocking of selling item mall items to the vendor NPC, a painful mistake for any player who accidentally does it.
Via SG Board
Metin2 SG Steps Up Its Anti-Hacking Measures
Dear Vizitator's
TEC-Interactive's [GA]Christopher revealed today that Metin2 SG's anti-hacking measures have been upgraded, with more of their system now being automated. The staff are naming this system Anti-Hack v 3.6.
Besides taking a jab at other servers, the image above shows part of the administration area for Metin2 SG. The system reportedly automatically detects, among other things, abnormal movement and attacking speeds and bans the offending account. How the system determines between real hacking speeds and speed anomalies due to latency issues isn't made clear, though TEC-Interactive will likely keep its cards close to its chest so as not to give hack developers clues on how to attempt to work around the system.
With this new development, it looks like TEC-Interactive's possible partnership with INCA internet to implement nProtect GameGuard is not going to go through, though with Metin2 SG appearing to be hacker free already, it's not an issue.
Via SG Board
TEC-Interactive's [GA]Christopher revealed today that Metin2 SG's anti-hacking measures have been upgraded, with more of their system now being automated. The staff are naming this system Anti-Hack v 3.6.
Besides taking a jab at other servers, the image above shows part of the administration area for Metin2 SG. The system reportedly automatically detects, among other things, abnormal movement and attacking speeds and bans the offending account. How the system determines between real hacking speeds and speed anomalies due to latency issues isn't made clear, though TEC-Interactive will likely keep its cards close to its chest so as not to give hack developers clues on how to attempt to work around the system.
With this new development, it looks like TEC-Interactive's possible partnership with INCA internet to implement nProtect GameGuard is not going to go through, though with Metin2 SG appearing to be hacker free already, it's not an issue.
Via SG Board
Metin2 SG Sumo Wrestling Event Returns, Jul 10th
Dear Vizitator's
An event that first ran on Metin2 SG almost a year ago, the Sumo Wrestling event is now back. Similar to before, players must knock their opponent outside of the ring using a low level weapon.
This time the event will take place in the Desert map, at the central Oasis area. Similar to before there are multiple level bands to join: 15-35, 36-64 and 65+. As usual, no potions or item stats which would give an unfair advantage are allowed. The lucky winners will receive Certificates, as well as gold amounts up to 10 million.
This time around there is no application process, interested players should simply show up at the correct time, 14:00 GMT (Not SGT!) Good luck!
Via SG Board
An event that first ran on Metin2 SG almost a year ago, the Sumo Wrestling event is now back. Similar to before, players must knock their opponent outside of the ring using a low level weapon.
This time the event will take place in the Desert map, at the central Oasis area. Similar to before there are multiple level bands to join: 15-35, 36-64 and 65+. As usual, no potions or item stats which would give an unfair advantage are allowed. The lucky winners will receive Certificates, as well as gold amounts up to 10 million.
This time around there is no application process, interested players should simply show up at the correct time, 14:00 GMT (Not SGT!) Good luck!
Via SG Board
Gameforge Metin2 US & UK - Weekend Football Event
Dear Vizitator's
As this year's FIFA women's football word cup is taking place in Germany, home to Gameforge, their servers will be home to to a weekend football event. As is the same when the event has ran in the past, players will be able to drop footballs from monsters, inside of which various prizes can be found.
From Saturday 00:00 till Sunday 23:59 (German time ,UTC+1) is when the balls will be available. Good luck!
Via GFUS Board, UK Board
As this year's FIFA women's football word cup is taking place in Germany, home to Gameforge, their servers will be home to to a weekend football event. As is the same when the event has ran in the past, players will be able to drop footballs from monsters, inside of which various prizes can be found.
From Saturday 00:00 till Sunday 23:59 (German time ,UTC+1) is when the balls will be available. Good luck!
Via GFUS Board, UK Board
vineri, 8 iulie 2011
Dragi Vizitatori
Metin2 Blog va organiza un nou event sponsorizat de :
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa trimiteti un mesaj la adresa :
info@cmarian.tk cu datele următoare : Numele Contului din metin2 ro* , Numele caracter-ului favorit , Data de când jucați metin2 ro* și Email-ul tău*.
Tot ce este cu "*" este obligatoriu de scris.
Locu 1 : 1 Post de GM.
Locul 2 : x10kkk (100.000.000 Yang).
Locul 3 : Leul Alb pentru 1 an.
Metin2 Blog va organiza un nou event sponsorizat de :
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa trimiteti un mesaj la adresa :
info@cmarian.tk cu datele următoare : Numele Contului din metin2 ro* , Numele caracter-ului favorit , Data de când jucați metin2 ro* și Email-ul tău*.
Tot ce este cu "*" este obligatoriu de scris.
Locu 1 : 1 Post de GM.
Locul 2 : x10kkk (100.000.000 Yang).
Locul 3 : Leul Alb pentru 1 an.
Metin2 US Turns 4 Years Old
Dear Vizitator's
Time really flies, an example of which is that it is now over 4 years ago that Metin2 US originally opened. As a celebration, the team will run a variety of events and also offer item shop discounts throughout July.
Following the National War event planned for Saturday July 9th, The [GM] team will have an "anniversary gift" event, where players will receive random gifts, some of which being the White Lion. Unfortunately, as Metin2 US' White Lion lasts for a meager 30 minutes (in stark contrast to Gameforge's 30 hours) players may be disappointed. The same gift-giving process will take place again on July 27th.
Next up will be another iteration of The Clown Event, this time with Mages taking the spot of being their nation's clown. Applications will open in a few days, on July 13th.
Nearer the end of the month from July 25th to the 29th, all Metin2 item mall items will be discounted by 20%. If this discount stacks with current long-running discounts, this will make for some very cheap packages.
The staff are also looking for players to submit their stories. No reward for especially good stories is mentioned, but nonetheless players have already began submitting their stories in the appropriate thread.
And last but not least, to finish off Metin2 US' birthday month there will be period of increased 50% experience, from July 27th to the 31st.
Via Metin2 US Board
Time really flies, an example of which is that it is now over 4 years ago that Metin2 US originally opened. As a celebration, the team will run a variety of events and also offer item shop discounts throughout July.
Following the National War event planned for Saturday July 9th, The [GM] team will have an "anniversary gift" event, where players will receive random gifts, some of which being the White Lion. Unfortunately, as Metin2 US' White Lion lasts for a meager 30 minutes (in stark contrast to Gameforge's 30 hours) players may be disappointed. The same gift-giving process will take place again on July 27th.
Next up will be another iteration of The Clown Event, this time with Mages taking the spot of being their nation's clown. Applications will open in a few days, on July 13th.
Nearer the end of the month from July 25th to the 29th, all Metin2 item mall items will be discounted by 20%. If this discount stacks with current long-running discounts, this will make for some very cheap packages.
The staff are also looking for players to submit their stories. No reward for especially good stories is mentioned, but nonetheless players have already began submitting their stories in the appropriate thread.
And last but not least, to finish off Metin2 US' birthday month there will be period of increased 50% experience, from July 27th to the 31st.
Via Metin2 US Board
Metin2 SG Adds Powerful New Fish, More Bugfixes
Dear Vizitator's
Metin2 SG continues its updating spree today with some new fish for players to experience, along with another wave of minor tweaks and bug fixes aimed at improving the game experience for players.
Fishing is not usually at the forefront of player's minds when they are asked to describe Metin2, but nonetheless most servers enjoy an active fishing community. All fish may be killed, cooked and eaten, and different fish provide different bonuses when consumed. Metin2 SG adds to the current lineup of fish this week with some new rare fish that bestow powerful bonuses. These are:
The bonuses given by these fish can prove useful for almost any scenario in game, though since their bonuses are valuable, they are comparatively rare fish to catch. Good luck catching them!
Bugfixes this time involve hopefully a final fix of the infamous "time over" demon tower glitch, fixed magical attack power values for the Lion Sword, and the ability to sell Blessing Marbles and Perpetual Iron in private stores. For a full list of updates head on over to the SG 5th July Updates Thread
Source: SG Board
Metin2 SG continues its updating spree today with some new fish for players to experience, along with another wave of minor tweaks and bug fixes aimed at improving the game experience for players.
Fishing is not usually at the forefront of player's minds when they are asked to describe Metin2, but nonetheless most servers enjoy an active fishing community. All fish may be killed, cooked and eaten, and different fish provide different bonuses when consumed. Metin2 SG adds to the current lineup of fish this week with some new rare fish that bestow powerful bonuses. These are:
Striped Bass: 12 INT
Smelt: 10% Chance To Poison
Shiri: 20% Strength Against Monsters
Mirror Carp: 20% Skill Speed
Gold Crucian Carp: 20% Skill Resistance
Smelt: 10% Chance To Poison
Shiri: 20% Strength Against Monsters
Mirror Carp: 20% Skill Speed
Gold Crucian Carp: 20% Skill Resistance
The bonuses given by these fish can prove useful for almost any scenario in game, though since their bonuses are valuable, they are comparatively rare fish to catch. Good luck catching them!
Bugfixes this time involve hopefully a final fix of the infamous "time over" demon tower glitch, fixed magical attack power values for the Lion Sword, and the ability to sell Blessing Marbles and Perpetual Iron in private stores. For a full list of updates head on over to the SG 5th July Updates Thread
Source: SG Board
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